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Electronic Identity Card (CIE)

Electronic Identity Card (CIE)

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is a personal identification document issued by the Ministry of Interior and produced by the State Printing and Mint Institute, valid for identification and circulation in the European Union, as well as in some states adhering to the Schenghen Agreement (e.g. Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) and in other states with which bilateral agreements have been reached (see the individual “country sheets” on the website

The Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong is authorized to issue the CIE only and exclusively to Italian citizens regularly residing in this consular district and registered in AIRE.

Italian residents will be able to apply for a CIE in the following cases:

  • To replace a valid or expired paper Italian ID card;
  • If they are first-time applicants and have never had a CIE before;
  • In case of theft or loss of their CIE, upon presentation of the official police statement;
  • In case of a damaged paper or electronic ID card;
  • If the CIE is expiring within the following 6 months.

To apply for a CIE, it is necessary to book an appointment via the Prenot@MI website, choosing  the “Identity/travel documents” service.

The CIE will be delivered to the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and the applicant will be  contacted for collection.

Should there be any reasons that prevent the issuing of the CIE, the interested party will be duly informed.

Parents can also apply for a CIE for minors by completing a form for each child during the booking phase. Minors must be present at the counter the day of the appointment. For minors over 12 years of age it will be necessary to scan their fingerprints.

A CIE has a different validity depending on the age of the holder:

– 3 years of validity for minors aged between 0 and 3 years;

– 5 years of validity for minors aged between 4 and 17;

– 10 years of validity for adults.


On the day of the appointment, the applicant must bring along:

  1. Application form (link);
  2. A recent passport-sized photograph compliant with ICAO international standards;
  3. Their previous identity card or, failing this, a valid passport (the original and its copy);
  4. Police statement for lost/stolen card, if applicable;
  5. Certificate of consent from both parents (link) if the applicant is a minor under 18. This is always necessary, even in case of unmarried or divorced parents. Both parents must come in person to the Consulate, even if on different dates.

Please note that changes of address, residence, marital (marriage/divorce) or vital records (birth/death) must be promptly communicated to the Consulate General.

If the residential address has changed (compared to the one previously communicated to the consular office), it must be updated on the FAST IT website before proceeding with booking an appointment for the CIE. Failure to do so will prevent the issuance of the CIE.

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