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Self-Certification (Affidavit)

Self-Certification (Affidavit)

An Affidavit is a self-certification which replaces a formal certification. It represents a simpler and cheaper way for a citizen to provide personal information which is already known to the offices of the Italian public administration.
An Affidavit can be written by Italian and EU citizens, and also by extra EU citizens legally residing in Italy limited to data verifiable or certifiable in Italy by public offices.
In general i cannot be used in dealings between private individuals.



Declaration in Lieu of Affidavit (art. 37 DPR 445/2000)

Citizens may uses declarations in lieu of affidavits for all facts and personal qualities of which they are directly aware and which cannot be certified by the public administration.

Such declarations can also regard the circumstances of other individuals or subjects of which the declarant is directly aware. Additionally, the following types of documents can also be replaced with declarations: certified copies of acts or documents registered or issued by a public administration, copies of publications, of degrees, or of financial documents which a private party is obliged to retain.


Self-certification is NEVER allowed for the following:
– medical;
– hospital-related;
– veterinarian;
– of nation origin;
– EU conformity;
– trademarks;
– patents.

Should the public administration doubt the truth of the self-certification, it can launch an investigation.

Any incorrect statements, falsified documents and use of false documents are punishable in compliance with the Italian criminal code and Law 445/2000 art. 45.
Moreover, the person making the false statement forfeits any benefits granted as a result of the provisions based on his/her untrue statements.

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