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Request for equivalence of foreign educational qualifications with the Italian ones

Foreign educational qualifications are not automatically recognized in Italy. For a detailed description about the current policies on foreign qualification recognitions, please visit the website of the Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA).

Foreign citizens interested in obtaining equal value and efficacy recognition (“equivalence”) of their foreign educational qualifications (obtained in officially recognized educational institutions) with the corresponsive Italian qualifications, can submit an application directly to the relevant academic institutions, after having obtained the Declaration of Value issued by the Diplomatic/Consular Italian representatives abroad.

Italian citizens instead, must contact directly an Italian Provveditorato agli Studi, again after having obtained the Declaration of Value of their foreign degrees by the Diplomatic/Consular Italian representatives abroad.

To obtain a declaration of value for local educational qualifications issued by institutions based in Hong Kong and Macao, please consult the dedicated page on this website.

The educational qualifications obtained abroad, once declared equivalent to the Italian qualifications of corresponding value (lower secondary school diploma, higher secondary school diploma or university degree), will have legal value in Italy. This means, for example, that a person with Italian citizenship has the right to participate in competitions organized by Italian public administration.